Wednesday 25 April 2012

lolipop & air kotak.....

hello there world...!!

arini tringin nk post xtau nk tlis pe...
suddenly,, trpandang paper bag yg dalam nye ade lolipop ngan 4 kotak air kotak...
when i'm looking to that stuff,, i will remind you....
it's hard to forgetting you....and all the sweet moment that we had done together...
can we do it back ??

i know...all this happen because of my fault....
but please change back.....
i need you back......i hope we are still in same status as a brother and a sister...

p/s : sorry for my bad grammar...

Monday 23 April 2012

mesti jadi nya.....

aku dah agak da...bende nie msti jd nye...

ak msj x reply langsung.....biler x msj kate aku x ingt dye..
adoii...maybe tgah study...bler call nombor bz......ape lg,, call balak la tu...
hemm....dlu aku dah ckp an...lau ko ade balak,, komfem ko x ingt aku da....
tau la aku ni just 'adopted brother' ko....
yela...sush nk bhgie kan 2 org kan...its okey..aku paham...
sebab bende ni aku da rase sblom nie....
so,, pasni pandai2 la cri aku.....jgn time sush je nk cri aku...
maybe aku ni tmpat ko lpas bosan ko je kan..
da bosan bru nk msj aku...nk call aku...
kalau aku lupe ko...jgn sala kan aku...sume ni salah ko jugak
BYE !!!

~~credited to miera mierwa (bukan nme sbnar)

Sunday 22 April 2012

406 !!

well hello there !!...
teringat nk bukak blog nie...bukak2 dah mcm hape dah...dgn setting bru nye...
tetibe tpandang pageview....406 viewer...bia btol....
ingat kan blog ni aku wat xde sape nk tgok..upe nye ade gak...
maybe org yg sme kot yg tgok blog nie..hehe...
btw,, thanks 4 watching n reading this ugly blog.....

Saturday 7 April 2012

what the ................

assalmualaikum.....well hello there...

tgah sebok2 tetibe msj msuk.....dye ckp saket...
pe bende dye nie....ak x tny pape pon tetibe msj cam nie...
before that dye ade kate dye x sehat....aku ingt pening dye ptg td... was not...slame nie dye rahsie dr aku....yg dye ade pnykit...xnak aku cakap...
alasan xnak gtau sbab xnak aku lyn dye mcm org skit....what the....................
tlg la jgn wat aku cam nie....bende bkan kcik..besa kot..
lau ko gtau aku awl2, xde aku cam nie......
aku bkan nk mara perlu ke kau rahsie kat aku pasl tuh.....
lau kau gtau aku pasal tu pon....aku tetp sayang kau la....
bukan nye bende tu wat aku benci kau....or x trime kau...please la...

no matter wat happen to still love i say,, no body can replace you....
please don't go.....
i hope youu read all this....